“Be True to Your School”

In the Spring of 2015, The North Bend School Foundation hosted “Be True to your School”, a kickoff event to introduce the Foundation to the community. While the aim of the board was definitely to raise money for our students, the focus of the program was to inform community members of the goals of the foundation and to help spread the word about a great way to help enhance education in North Bend.

The event was hosted by North Bend Lanes and Banner Bank, who furnished beverages and appetizers, respectively at a warm-up event at The Back Alley Pub & Grill, and by Oregon Coast Culinary Institute and Long Bottom Coffee, who hosted dessert and coffee for the program at the North Bend Hall of Champions.

The entertainment was provided by the North Bend Music Department with a rousing rendition of “Be True to your School” by the Beach Boys. Speakers were Board Chair Don Thompson, and board members Boyd Bjorkquist and Terri Turi.

Thank you


for your support!